Week 11 of Chapter 4 Season 1 has officially begun and a new set of Quests are now available to complete. This week's Quests are themed around "Hide N Seek".
Week 11 Quests
- Mark an opponent with the Flare Gun (1)
- Hide in a hay stack, a leaf pile and a giant snowball in a single match (3)
- Fall 3 stories or more into a big bush (1)
- Damage opponents from 30 or more meters with a Rocket Launcher (1)
- Open Chests (3) [4 stages]
- Travel distance (2,000) [4 stages]

Completing this week's Quests will reward players with additional Bonus Goal XP. Each Quest awards 16,000 XP. All Quests will remain available until March 11, 2023.
In other news, Fortnite was the second most downloaded PlayStation game in January. Click here to read more.
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