With Chapter 3 Season 3 FNCS less than one week away, Fortnite has revealed new cosmetic drops that players can earn by tuning in to the live coverage from July 10th, 2022.
FNCS Drops
Players can tune in to watch.fortnite.com, Legends Landing or any drops-supported Twitch channel during FNCS competition to earn the new cosmetics. The following items can be earned by watching this Season's FNCS broadcast from July 10:
- Champion's Honor Back Bling
- Seeker's Strike Loading Screen
- King and Champion Spray
- Peaceful Emoticon
Epic's official blog notes that these cosmetics may also be available through the in-game Item Shop at a later date. It's thought that this refers to the Back Bling, which is expected to be sold alongside the upcoming 'FNCS 3:3 Champion' Outfit.

FNCS Programming Schedule
All three FNCS Qualifiers will be covered on July 10, 15 and 17. Coverage continues with the FNCS Semi-Finals on July 22-24 and the Finals on August 13 and 14. The schedule for each supported language can be found below:
English Broadcast

Portuguese Broadcast

Japanese Broadcast

Watch FNCS Online
Anyone can watch the championship series coverage online through the official FNCS live stream. The broadcast can also be watched at any of the links below:
English coverage of EU, NAE, and NAW:
Portuguese coverage of BR:
Japanese coverage of ASIA:
Legends Landing
Players can also watch the FNCS coverage in-game at Legends Landing, which can be accessed using code (3303-7480-5925).

In other news, the Red Knight Outfit is predicted to return to the Item Shop this week. Click here to read more.
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