In celebration of the FIFA 2022 World Cup, Fortnite has released new in-game challenges that will reward players with XP and an exclusive Emoticon.
Players who wish to take part in the tasks should head to the Let Them Know website to get started. Tasks are completable in both classic Battle Royale and Zero Build playlists, running from now until November 27, 2022, at 11:59 PM ET.

Receive points on the Let Them Know website by completing in-game tasks. Each day a new task and point milestone will be displayed. Here's how you can receive in-game rewards:
- Earn at least one point on any day to receive the Trophy Time Emoticon
- Complete the point milestone of any day to receive 50,000 Fortnite XP.
- Did you miss a chance to earn a point or complete a point milestone of the day? Complete the point milestone of Day 7 to receive any previously unearned Let Them Know rewards (including the Trophy Time Emoticon and XP rewards) from prior days!
How to Participate in Let Them Know:
- Log into your Epic Games account on the Let Them Know website.
- Review the available daily tasks and keep track of your progress.
- Each day of the "Let Them Know" program there is a new task to complete. Please note that each task is live for 24 hours only.
- Earn at least one point on any day to receive the Trophy Time Emoticon. Complete the point milestone of any day to receive 50,000 Fortnite XP.
- If you complete the point milestone of Day 7, you will receive any previously unearned Let Them Know rewards. For example, if you haven’t earned the Trophy Time Emoticon or daily Fortnite XP reward, you will receive these rewards upon completion of the Day 7 point milestone.
To complete the tasks, make sure you only play in the supported playlists: Battle Royale Solo, Duos, Trios, and Squads, as well as Fortnite Zero Build Solo, Duos, Trios, and Squads.
In other news, the intro for Fortnite's upcoming Fracture event has been leaked. Click here to read more.
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