Fortnite's v23.50 patch has unvaulted two classic weapons, introduced free cosmetics and fixed bugs.
Unvaulted Weapons

The Six Shooter and Infantry Rifle have been unvaulted! These classic weapons can be found from the ground, Chests, and Supply Drops.
Cipher Quests

In the Cipher Quests section of the Quests page, you’ll find unencrypted Quests that have clear objectives, and an encrypted Quest with an objective that’s… inconclusive. Use the clues at your disposal to figure it out! After completing the encrypted Quest, you’ll unlock the next one after it becomes available. A new Cipher Quest will be added each day until March 7, 2023, and all the Quests will be available until March 10, 2023.
Earn XP by completing individual Cipher Quests. For completing certain amounts of Cipher Quests, you’ll unlock new items for your Locker:
- 7 unencrypted Cipher Quests: Keep the Peace Spray
- 15 unencrypted Cipher Quests: Order Up Loading Screen
- 24 unencrypted Cipher Quests: Deciphered Emoticon
- 3 encrypted Cipher Quests: Circuitry Wrap

For completing a certain encrypted Cipher Quest, you’ll unlock the Distant Roar Spray.
Miscellaneous Updates
- The Oathbound Chest spawn rate has increased from 70% to 100%.
- Players have an increased chance to roll the Mechanical Archer Reality Augment.
- In v23.50, Reality Augments you haven't unlocked will be more likely to unlock.
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that caused us to disable the Rift-jector Seat Reality Augment. This Reality Augment is now re-enabled.
In other news, a Fortnite x LEGO crossover is coming later this year.