Week 10 of Chapter 3 Season 4 has officially begun and a new set of Quests are now available to complete.
Week 10 Quests
- Be chromed for 180 seconds combined in a single match (180)
- Deal damage to opponents with an evolved EvoChrome weapon (150)
- Destroy Slurp barrels (10)
- Eliminate players with the Cobra DMR (2)
- Evolve EvoChrome weapons twice in a single match (2)
- Search a chest at both Lustrous Lagoon and at the Rave Cave (2)
- Use a D-Launcher at Shimmering Shrine or Cloudy Condos (1)

Completing the Week 10 Quests will reward players with a total of 140,000 XP, with 20,000 awarded for each Quest.
In other news, PC players can now redeem the Duelist's Grace Pickaxe for free. Click here to read more.
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