Data miners have discovered new files following last week's v24.10 update that suggest Armored Walls will return to Battle Royale soon.
The trap, which hasn't been included in the loot pool since Season 3 of Chapter 3, has been updated to drop in stacks of 4 instead of 5, and also received spawn data for the new vaults.
According to leaker Wenso, the Armored Walls will be obtainable in-game through Supply Caches as well as the vaults. It's also expected to appear as floor loot, but this is unconfirmed. The trap could return at any point before Season 2 ends in June. We'll keep you updated.
In other news, Epic Games has announced that remaking the Chapter 2, 3 and 4 Islands in UEFN is against Fortnite's rules. Click here to read more.
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