In the lead-up to the release of Fortnite's highly anticipated 'Creative 2.0', we will be highlighting some of the top featured Creative maps every week.
Default Slide Deathrun by KKSlider
Run, jump and now slide to the end of this Chapter 3 Deathrun!
Island Code: 1384-9725-0679

Apollo's Garden by Lowcon
Discover the tombs in this Jungle Temple as monsters try to stop you!
Island Code: 9378-6313-7828

Love and War 10v10 by AsterFN
Mythic Weapons / Auto-save inventory / Multiple rounds / Earn XP / Ride Shopping Carts / Complete Challenges
Island Code: 0233-4764-2814

Candy Rush Deathrun by DARKOUS
A Deathrun of sweets with delicious decorations / 10 players / Find all the puzzle pieces.
Island Code: 1498-8205-1926

Duo Love Run by Salvamira
2 players, 20 Levels.
Island Code: 5460-4360-3292

Fortnite Chess: Clash of Kings by Enigma
Play Chess in Fortnite! Move your Pawns, Knights, Bishops, King and Queen. Capture the enemy King. This is the smartest Creative map ever!
Island Code: 6212-5776-0804

In other news, Uncharted is coming to Fortnite on February 17. Click here to read more.
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