Sarah Connor Outfit Broken After v23.30 Patch

The Sarah Connor Outfit is currently broken following Fortnite's v23.30 update earlier today.
— Jacob (@JacobJCB_) January 31, 2023
The patch has broken the Outfit's physics, causing the mouth to hang below the head when the rest of the body is moving. This is most noticeable when using Emotes in the locker, but the glitch can also be seen when moving in matches too.
The latest cosmetics glitch comes just two weeks after the v23.20 patch broke a collection of Outfits in the same way. Battle Hound, Redline, Molten Battle Hound and Burnout were all left with incorrectly rotated helmets.

Epic hasn't commented on the Sarah Connor glitch yet, but they're expected to do so soon via the @FortniteStatus Twitter account.
In other news, Epic Games has cancelled all Fortnite Late Game Cups for the remainder of Season 1. Click here to read more.
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