The second major update of Chapter 4 Season 2 has arrived and with it a number of changes to the Fortnite Island have been discovered.
The following map changes and images have kindly been provided by FNAssist - check them out!
Jaeger Family Basement
With v24.20 being the 'Attack on Titan' update, Fortnite has added the Jaeger family basement to Anvil Square.

Island Cracking
The Island is starting to crack. Fissures have been spotted all over the map, potentially hinting at the return of an active volcano in Season 2's upcoming live event.

Titan Targets
v24.20 has also introduced 'Titan Targets' to the Island. With seven located across the map, interacting with these targets will contribute to one of the Eren Jaeger Quests.

More Monoliths
More monoliths have appeared around the Island. A new NPC also has the chance of spawning at these locations during a match.

Slappy Shores Grind Rails
The Grind Rails of MEGA City have made their way to Slappy Shores, allowing players to quickly zoom across the POI.

More map changes will be introduced with Fortnite's v24.30 update in two weeks. We'll keep you updated.
Be sure to check out FNAssist, who kindly provided all the map changes seen above.
In other news, Fortnite's rarest Outfit is returning to the Item Shop soon. Click here to read more.
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