Fortnite Reveals New Coachella Set, Available April 14
1 min read

Fortnite has officially revealed the new Coachella cosmetics for 2023.
Available in the Item Shop from tomorrow, the new Coachella set contains the following cosmetics:
- Desert Dawn Lyric Outfit
- Airflow Vibes Back Bling
- Electropalm Staff Pickaxe

- Sunset Alto Outfit
- Sunset Swirl Back Bling
- Crystalline Cactus Pickaxe

- Desert Breeze Wrap
- Ask Me Emote
- Slide Stride Emote

Players who complete special Coachella Quests from April 14th will be rewarded with the following free cosmetics:
- Hi-Fi Cacti Spray
- Look At The Sky Lobby Track
- Cact-eye Emoticon
- Coachella Sunset Spray

What do you think of the new set? React below!
In other news, Fortnite's rarest Outfit is returning to the Item Shop soon. Click here to read more.
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