Stage 3's F250 & F350 Super Duty Custom Tuning
While basic tunes and performance parts can get huge power gains out of the Powerstroke V8s found in Ford's F250 and F350 Super Duty trucks, there's plenty of reasons to grab a custom tune for your diesel-powered rig. This page will link you to all the information you need to get your F250 or F350 set up with powerful 5-Star custom tunes.
Use this form if you've just purchased a tuning device with 5-Star's custom tunes for the first time. Only fill it out if you've received your tuner!
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Find out how we get your choice of 5-Star tunes in your hands so that you can upload them to your truck for awesome power and drivability!
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Get a start on your 5-Star Custom tunes by learning how to use an SCT X4 Tuner and some of the problems that occur with this device!
Click here for information!

SCT's Livewire TS is an excellent monitor and tuner. You can learn about some of its features and get troubleshooting tips before you buy!
Click here for more information!

5-Star offers several different tune styles for each model year and engine option. Find out which ones will work best for your truck!
Click here for more information